sam sameth

Posted on: October 02, 2021
Viewed: 657

Nao Moeun I

26m is in Phnom Penh,Cambodia.

៣១ តុលា ២០១៦ - 31 October 2016

សូមស្តាប់ ហើយចងចាំពាក្យបណ្តាំចុងក្រោយរបស់លោក ប៉ែន សុវណ្ណ ស្តីពីអនាគតប្រទេសជាតិយើង។

Please listen and remember Mr. Pen Sovann's last recommendations about the future of our country.

Summary: "The Vietnamese arrested me and put me in jail in Hanoi for ten years [from 1981 to 1991] because, as President of the Cambodian People's Revolutionary Party and as Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Cambodia [established after the ousting of the Pol Pot regime by the Vietnamese army on 7 January 1979], they wanted me to support Cambodia's colonisation by Vietnam, which I absolutely opposed. This colonisation took different forms: tens of thousands of families of Vietnamese settlers were being sent to live in Cambodia where, at the same time, a deadly plan named K5 started to be implemented with the objective to send countless Cambodian young people to death along our western border with Thailand; along our eastern and southern border with Vietnam several portions of Cambodia's territory were already being annexed by the neighbouring country. Some of my colleagues [he apparently referred to Heng Samrin, Chea Sim and Hun Sen among others who can be seen on photos taken with him at that time] preferred to please the Vietnamese in exchange for positions and personal privileges. They cooperated with the Vietnamese and have contributed to the sufferings of the Cambodian people and to the plunder and the destruction of Cambodia as seen through the ongoing massive deforestation. I now call on all Cambodians to fight for freedom and national independence and for the survival of our motherland."