sam sameth

Posted on: May 18, 2016
Viewed: 510

Sam Rainsy added a new video.

Yesterday at 07:38 ·

១៧ ឧសភា ២០១៦ - 17 May 2016, 11:00 - Um Sam An remains in jail in spite of his parliamentary immunity (*)

នៅព្រឹកនេះ សាលាឧទ្ធរណ៍បានច្រានចោលសំណើសុំនៅក្រៅឃុំរបស់លោក អ៊ុំ សំអាន ដោយសម្រេចបន្តនីតិវិធីនៃការឃុំខ្លួនលោក ខណៈដែលអភ័យឯកសិទ្ធិសភារបស់លោកមិនទាន់ត្រូវបានព្យួរ ឬដកក៏ដោយ។

(*) This morning the Appeal Court rejected a demand from National Assembly Member Um Sam An's lawyer to have him released on bail. The rejection was pronounced while the detainee's parliamentary immunity is still in force, having not been lifted or suspended in any way.